Walking through the newly fallen leaves today, I watched the sun shine on them causing them to glow. The smell was fresh and delicious and all my senses awoke.
"How vibrant and alive they look," I thought. "But really they're dead. They are disconnected from their life-source. They have lived their cycle and have done their job. Still they look awesome...their color never brighter...their beauty never more visible."
I wanted to pick them up from the ground and save them, make them into a bouquet. I picked up a handful and felt their damp smoothness and delighted in their deep colors. They were speaking to me. They seemed to be my peers, my pals. I felt akin to them. They were in the Autumn of their life cycle and so am I! I identified with these fallen leaves and it made me smile!
My Spirit was responding with a gentle "yes!" and an inward prayer. I want my last years to be comparable to these beauties, never more lovely, never more vibrant. As I come to the end of one season and transition into the next, I too want to be lovely and vibrant. They inspire me to do more than just dry up and crumble because I don't have a lifetime ahead of me. They inspire me to seize this season, beautiful Autumn, and be one of the vibrant ones as I head towards the winter of my life.
I look out my window now, after my walk, and hear the questions of the leaves:
"How well will you live in this season? How will you weather the transition from this time to the next? Will I be ready for the next season?"
Have you had a lesson from Autumn? I'd love to hear about it in the comment box below. How do you weather seasonal transitions?